A moment of silence please

Warning - this will most likely be pretty, make that VERY disgusting to a lot of people..

I'll give you a little background. This picture to the right is the pillow I've had since I was 5 years old. Yes, I said 5 years old. He's traveled to Boston when I was 18, Miami, Columbus, Dallas, Lulea (Sweden) and finally to Salt Lake City where he's made his final stop.

As you can see, he's been through some battles. The last straw came when his wrapping tore apart and I was convinced by my wife that he's full of dust mites, which did it for me.

RIP buddy. You'll be missed!


Anonymous said...

Oh NO!!! We were just talking about this pillow. Were we talking about it because he was already dead? I just shed a tear for all 25 year old pillows out there. He's not alone.
