Happy Birthday Baby Jesus!

As much as I am looking forward to this Christmas I am dreading it all at the same time. This will be my first year without my dad. Christmas day also happens to be his Birthday he would have been 65 this year. I know that it is a blessing that he is no longer alive (no more pain and confusion) but I can't help selfishly missing him physically being around, even in his child like state.
It might sound strange but I am so thankful for the last years I got to spend taking care of him. Feeding, dressing, and changing a parent is hard in and of itself but that was such a precious time spent together. And let's not kid ourselves I was his favorite. I was one of the last names he always remembered. He called my sister Albertson's (she worked their for like a month in high school 15 yrs ago)? He called my brother shit head, which is extremely accurate!
I have a daily reminder of him that I wear EVERYDAY, something that was as important to him as it is to me!
Ok, so I am done being Debbie Downer wah wah!

Happy Birthday Baby Jesus and MY DAD!
